
Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Royal Sport Of Finger Jousting

Although it hasn't taken off as quickly as other extreme sports, finger jousting is on the rise in Dallas, Houston and elsewhere in Texas. Individuals can often be found finger jousting in living rooms and open air malls throughout the state and around the country.

Finger jousting begins when two participants clasp their right hands together, with the index finger extended. The object of the joust is to attempt to poke the other individual anywhere but the right arm. Individuals may move in any direction as long as their hands remain clamped together, and they may not use their left arms or either of their legs in an offensive fashion. Players can vary the scoring, but players usually play to a set score.

The length of a finger jousting match can range from a few seconds for beginners to a few hours for two evenly matched, well-trained opponents. Players begin by showing a sign of respect, which can include a handshake, bow, or hug, then they interlock their right hands. When both index fingers are extended, the match officially begins. A player then tries to poke the opponent with his or her own index finger before the opponent can do the same. Different offensive and defensive moves can be performed to gain an advantage during the match. Matches are played for a desired prize, usually honor and/or spoils. The preset prize is awarded to the victor following his or her victory.

Each round of a finger jousting match ends after one minute. The round may also end when a point is scored or a foul is committed. After each round, there's short break, usually thirty seconds. There are several variations for scoring:
Quick Play Rules -- One point is scored each time a player pokes his or her opponent. This format is usually played to an odd number of points (best of three, best of five, etc.). In this format, a player receives a warning for one foul; two fouls result in a subtraction of one point, and three fouls result in disqualification.
Point Play Rules -- Point play rules are similar to quick play rules, except that different parts of the body are worth a different amount of points. The left arm and legs are worth one point, the chest and central body are worth two, and the head is worth three. Point Play Matches are usually determined by the winner attaining six points.

There are some moves which, if performed during a match, result in a penalty. The punishment for a penalty usually changes, depending on the type of scoring method the opponents have agreed upon. Here's a list of penalties in finger jousting:
Using a left arm, or either leg, as an offensive weapon.
Letting go of your opponent's hand.
Curb stomping, smoke tagging, whipping, or generally beating your opponent after you win a round.
Any action that compromises your own or your opponent's integrity, including, but not limited to, intentionally aiming for your opponent's groin.

The origin of finger jousting is hazy. Some historians believe the sport was founded by the ancient Israelites, who referred to it as finger spearing. There are references to finger spearing contained in the Book of Phalanges, an apocryphal manuscript that was excluded in the Bible at the Council of Nicaea, held during the late 10th century. Most finger jousting historians, however, agree that finger jousting developed its modern form during the 1970s. The biggest event in the modern history of finger jousting was the World Finger Jousting Federation's founding on August 1, 2005.

Rules found in the World Finger Jousting Federation's Code of Conduct:
Respect -- Always honor the outcome of a match. Without personal integrity, the WFJF would cease to exist. Respect also includes not intentionally aiming for the groin.

Decorum -- Do not use profane or lewd speech before, during, or after the match. Remember every time a member jousts, he/she is acting as an ambassador of the WFJF.

Non-disturbance -- Avoid disquieting surrounding bystanders and inanimate objects while leisure jousting. Do not engage in finger jousting matches at inappropriate settings or during inappropriate times.

Manicure -- Taking care of your fingernails is a sign of respect for your opponent and shows an interest in maintaining a healthy body.

It may seem like a silly extreme sport, but serious finger jousters put themselves through a physically demanding regime to stay on top. If you're a young individual who likes to try difficult sports like finger jousting to keep healthy, you should take a look at the revolutionary, comprehensive and highly-affordable individual health insurance solutions created by Precedent specifically for you. For more information, visit us at our website, www.precedent.com. We offer a unique and innovative suite of individual health insurance solutions, including highly competitive HSA-qualified plans and an unparalleled real time application and acceptance experience.

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E=mc2, Emotional & Physical Gravity

The word "gravity" is a word coined by Sir Isaac Newton to describe an unseen force that attracts objects with mass to each other. As human beings living on planet earth we experience this force as one which constantly impedes us from floating away into the cosmos.

We have however heard of, and some of us may have even witnessed feats of levitation that appear to defy the "laws of gravity". How does one explain such violations of such a basic and fundamental "law" of the universe?

Well, as Einstein himself suggested, such anomalies often are the door to a more complete understanding of the reality we call our universe. In what follows I report on a case study with a new process called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) (MRP) which may begin to shed some light on this apparently "unusual" phenomenon of levitation and hopefully ignite research into new areas of science that will help more fully elucidate our view of our reality.

I have described the MRP process in my book which one can find on my web site below and I have written extensively on it in other articles here hence I refer you to these resources for more information on the process itself.

In my work with MRP I generally assist individuals to release negative beliefs, memories, emotions, perceptions and behaviors from their bio-field. In this process a recurring experience of individuals is a feeling of lightness and buoyancy. Now although this is considered to be solely a feeling experience by most it has been my experience that in some cases this has been associated with a) rapid and seemingly unexplained weight loss and b) spontaneous experiences of levitation of body parts i.e. arms and hands.

I must qualify by saying that in none of this is there any hypnotic suggestion given or implied and the clients are always fully conscious. As some may know supposed feats of levitation are apparently the result of hypnotic suggestion. These however appear to be related more to mind control of peripheral muscle systems and can therefore be easily accounted for.

With MRP clients also experience a sense of "emotional lightness". What this means is that the "grave" feelings that are associated with the negativity they previously carried in their bio-fields and hence in their bodies gave them a feeling of being "weighted down"! When this negativity is released they spontaneously feel "lighter" both emotionally and physically!

Additionally they almost regularly report a sense inner radiance, which is apparent to others as well, and a feeling of increased energy or vibration in their bodies.

In summary what appears to be happening according to these accounts is a conversion of matter into energy. Now I know that this will be met with skepticism and I accept that. I do however wish to ask that you notice how you feel inside as a result of my having said what I have said so far and notice whether at a feeling level you resonate with what has been said?

So in summary what appears to be happening through the MRP process is the following:

1. Negativity is released from the bio-field and the body.

2. This negativity accounts for feelings of "emotional gravity" which essentially feels similar to the sensation of "physical gravity" i.e. the former is associated with feelings of being weighted down, feeling de-energized or drained, feeling immobilized and feeling heavy.

3. As the negativity is released with MRP, the feelings of emotional gravity disappear.

4. Individuals also report feeling "lighter" both emotionally and physically.

5. Occasional reports of levitation and significant weight loss (i.e. up to 45 lbs in one week in one case in a client who was on no special diet, exercise program or weight loss prescription)

My hypotheses are as follows:

1. Emotional gravity and physical gravity are one and the same thing.

2. Physical gravity is the result of the sum total effect of all negativity stored in the collective human bio-field on this planet.

3. As an individual experiences the MRP process what actually happens is that their physical density decreases and their energy density increases. This would account for the observations noted above.

4. It is my feeling that there is no limit to the amount of negativity that an individual can release from their bio-field. In other words, I feel that "all" matter in the physical body can be converted into energy and hence the state of our bodies can be "re-converted" into what I feel is their natural state; an energy body.

On closing I ask you to notice how you feel inside at this moment. I think that if you are in tune with your heart you will almost certainly feel a deep resonance with what has been said.

If you would like to know more feel free to visit the web sites below:

Dr. Nick Arrizza is trained in Chemical Engineering, Business Management & Leadership, Medicine and Psychiatry. He is an Energy Psychiatrist, Healer, Key Note Speaker,Editor of a New Ezine Called "Spirituality And Science" (which is requesting high quality article submissions) Author of "Esteem for the Self: A Manual for Personal Transformation" (available in ebook format on his web site), Stress Management Coach, Peak Performance Coach & Energy Medicine Researcher, Specializes in Life and Executive Performance Coaching, is the Developer of a powerful new tool called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) that helps build physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being by helping to permanently release negative beliefs, emotions, perceptions and memories. He holds live workshops, international telephone coaching sessions and international teleconference workshops on Physical. Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Well Being.

Business URL #1: http://www.telecoaching4u.com

Personal URL: http://www.telecoaching4u.com/Spirituality_And_Science.htm

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Cut Down the Number of Smoked Cigarettes Per Day

It has been demonstrated for many times that smoking is associated with a lot of adverse health effects and, generally, with poor overall health. The troubles caused by smoking extend beyond the well-reported links with cancer, heart disease and respiratory illnesses. Smoking has been found guilty to cause impotence, ulcers and fertility problems and it's doesn't just harm smokers.

Heavy smokers can decrease their risk of lung cancer if they dramatically cut down the number of smoked cigarettes per day. This is an important news, as only a minority of smokers can quit smoking completely. They must learn that the more they can reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke, the more they will decrease their risk of lung cancer.

On the other hand, recent studies concluded that there is not a safe level for smoking as light smokers also had significantly higher death rates than those who had never smoked. This rate is 1.5 times higher generally.

Researches concluded:

  • Men and women who smoke 1-4 cigarettes a day are almost three times as likely to die of coronary artery disease.
  • Men who smoke one to four cigarettes daily are almost three times as likely to die by heart disease.
  • Women who smoke one to four cigarettes daily increase almost five times the chance of dying from lung cancer.

    Researches also concluded the only way to protect smokers from cancer, heart disease, and other killer diseases is to quit completely.

    Valerian D is a freelance writer specialized in health issues affecting men like smoking

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